Bouvet Island BV

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Bouvet Island
Kontakter telefon: +55
Latitude: -54.4207915, Longitude: 3.3464497
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Kommentar 5

  • Paul White

    Paul White


    Frst off, and most importantly. When buying sunscreen for your trip, 100 SPF is not necessary and maybe even wasteful. I found 30 to be more that adequate. I came as a surprise prearranged anniversary trip by my wife who will be joining me shortly. I have to say that the stay so far has been somewhat challenging and accommodations could be aptly described as "roughing it". Vacationers can only arrive by boat and anchoring in the bay can be treacherous. Delays are common as with my situation, with my wife's delay being almost a year and a half now. Thankfully, last communications are that she should be arriving any day now and I eagerly await our opportunity to begin a romantic getaway.

  • Canada Light

    Canada Light


    So, I made a penguin friend. After club penguin was deleted, I decided to leave my house and sail off to this island. aNd iT wAs aCtUaLlY cLuB pEnGuIn 🐧!!1!1!!1!1!111!!!1!!11

  • Sam Dettle

    Sam Dettle


    Beautiful scenery, looks cold in the pictures, but once you are there you warm up to the vibe.

  • Alexander Jones2

    Alexander Jones2


    Expecting Antarcticans there, but too much English. Very hot, too much monkeys, and I went to this tropical rain forest and the ants kept biting me. Also meth addicts, gangs, and sexist men. Never going here again.

  • Boris galić

    Boris galić


    It there is a middle of nowhere, it is Bouvet Island, a 19 square mile piece of land, snowfall shaped, in the South Atlantic, uninhabited and covered by glacial ice. It is the world’s most remote island, nearly 1,000 miles from another swath of land (a sector of Antarctica called Queen Maud land

Nærmeste Naturlige træk:


Bouvet Island
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Posadowsky Glacier

Bouvet Island
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Wilhelm II Plateau

Bouvet Island
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Bouvet Island
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